Claire Edwards Campbell

Neuroscience PhD CANDIDATE

graduating summer 2024 - looking for opportunities










Research interest

Gene and Environment effects on brain development

I thrive on examining large complex datasets to unravel the story within the data. I develop computer models to strategically examine qualitative and quantitative data, and further interpret these results to effectively communicate the findings. I have led and collaborated on numerous projects examining cross-sectional and longitudinal data utilizing regression techniques such as, logistic, linear, or non-linear modeling strategies. Currently, my dissertation project investigates risk factors of depression that develop during early childhood/adolescence. I am expanding my expertise in modeling polygenic scores, environmental factors, multi-modal brain imaging techniques and mental health assessments. Ultimately this work aims to expand our understanding of how the environment affects emotional brain development and onset of mental health disorders. Someday this knowledge may lead to better advocacy for social and political change that reduces negative environmental outcomes and increases the mental well-being of communities.



First author Manuscripts:

Campbell, C. E., Cotter, D. L., Bottenhorn, K., Burnor, E., Ahmadi, H., Gauderman, W.J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Hackman, D., McConnell, R., Berhane K., Schwartz, J., Chen, J-C., & Herting, M. M. Air pollution and age-dependent changes in emotional behavior across early adolescence in the U.S. (under-review)

Campbell CE, Mezher AF, Eckel SP, Tyszka JM, Pauli WM, Nagel BJ, Herting MM. Restructuring of amygdala subregion apportion across adolescence. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2021 Apr;48:100883. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100883. Epub 2020 Dec 11. PMID: 33476872; PMCID: PMC7820032.

Campbell CE, Mezher AF, Tyszka JM, Nagel BJ, Eckel SP, Herting MM. Associations between testosterone, estradiol, and androgen receptor genotype with amygdala subregions in adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022 Mar;137:105604. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105604. Epub 2021 Nov 24. PMID: 34971856; PMCID: PMC8925279.



Phd candidate, herting neuroimaging Laboratory

August 2019 - Present

University of Southern California, Department of Preventive Medicine

research coordinator, herting neuroimaging laboratory

April 2017 - August 2019

University of Southern California, Department of Preventive Medicine

junior specialist, mcallister laboratory

June 2014 - June 2016

University of California, Davis, Center for Neuroscience

Clinical Research Assistant, Fragile-X Team, Supervisor: Maria Diez-Juan M.S.

April 2013 - June 2014

University of California, Davis, MIND Institute UC Davis Medical Center

Non-profit coordinator

April 2013 - April 2014

California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), University of California, Davis

Laboratory Undergraduate Researcher, Vogel Laboratory for Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

April 2011 - April 2014

University of California, Davis, Center for Health and the Environment

Undergraduate Researcher, Center for Advanced Technology in Schools (CATS), Supervisor: Dr. Greg Chung

June 2010 - December 2012

University of California, Los Angeles, The National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST)

Coding Languages


Research Focus



Hard Skills:

Programming Languages: R (e.g., ggplot2, dplyr, knitr), Python (e.g., seaborn, pandas, numpy), Bash/zsh)

Complex Statistical Modeling (cross-sectional and longitudinal)

Regressions (e.g., logistic, linear, non-linear)

MRI Data Collection and Analysis

Large Data Analyses

Open Science and Reproducibility

Scientific Writing and Presentation

Grant Writing

soft skills

Organizational Skills

Mentoring, Leadership, and Team-player

Project Planning and Management

Public Speaking

Problem Solving

Inter-departmental and Cross-Organization Collaboration

Conversational Spanish



Society of Biological Psychiatry Member

USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

USC Department of Population and Public Health Sciences

Organization for Human Brain Mapping

Society for Neuroscience

Flux: The Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience


University of southern california

Expected May 2024

Courses: Advanced Overview of Neurosciences (I and II), Seminar in Neurobiology, Ethics and Accountability in Biomedical Research, Regression Analysis for Health Data, Social and Emotional Development in Children, and Machine Learning for the Health Sciences


university of california, davis

Graduated June 2014

Courses: Human Brain and Diseases, Principles of Environmental Physiology, Genes and Gene Expression, Biomolecules and Metabolism, Cell Biology, Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences, Intro to Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Problem Solving, Writing in Science

Awards and Scholarships

NRSA F31 Predoctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health (2023-present)

Environmental Genomics T32 Training Grant, USC Keck School of Medicine (2020-2023)

12th USC Graduate Research Symposium Finalist, recognition for top presentation skills (2020)

Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Workshop Travel Award (2019)



Training Course in Advanced Statistical Methods in Neuroimaging and Genetics (R25NS117281)

AI4Health Workshop

Modeling Developmental Change in ABCD Study (R25MH125545)

ABCD ReproNim Course, Reproducible Analyses of ABCD Data (R25DA051675)

Society for Neuroscience, Epigenetics in Neurobiology Virtual Conference

ABCD Workshop on Brain Development and Mental Health (R25MH120869)

University of Southern California (USC) Biostatistics R Bootcamp


Thank You!